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Damn! Bpytop has an update apparently but I can't remember how I installed it? Did I use:

dick_turpin reshared this.

This is really sad. I met a lot of good friends on Freenode. While I haven't used it for a couple of years, this story is still upsetting.
in reply to Shredni Vashtar

this is the beauty of open source: a fork has already spring up: point your IRC application to ircs://

The forecast today at #CastleCannon is thunderstorms with a high of 14C and a low of 7C 🤔

dick_turpin reshared this.

You've gotta love the UK. This morning Charlie and I were sat on the patio eating Vanilla Skyr and enjoying the early morning sun. It's now chucking it down with rain and freezing.

dick_turpin reshared this.

Shredni Vashtar reshared this.

Hey, Plusporans!

I posted this as a reply to someone who was reposting the announcement about the issues Pluspora was having lately, but I figured I would post this just in general.

I would like to extend an open invitation to you and anyone who is wanting or needing to setup another fediverse account (due to the unfortunate circumstances at Pluspora) to come check out Friendica. Our friendly Friendica instances speak many languages, so they reach in to many other parts of the fediverse - the GNU Socials, Pleromas, Mastondons, etc, as well as Hubzillas and of course, Diasporas. This invitation is not to dissuade from choosing any particular path, but as I don't see enough cheering for all the great improvements that go in to Friendica all the time, I figure I'd make some noise, especially in light of the changes (or possible changes?) going on at Pluspora.

Feel free to try out a Friendica account at (I've been running this instance since April 2018) or at any instance that might be close and comfortable geographically - you can find a list at

Heck, even if one has had an account on a Friendica instance in the past, there's been a great number of improvements over the past couple of years.

Have a great day, hope all is well, and we look forward to seeing you wherever you wind up!

#pluspora #diaspora #friendica

Tagging a few people:

@David Thiery @diane @Frederick Wilson II @David English @wynter @Jess Nut @Whuffo @DavïÐ Låzårµ§ @Whuffo @Stuart Richman @garpu @garpu @doug t @Jeff Sexton @Paul Frank @Michele Hax @Nora Qudus @Rodrigo Mesa @John Hummel @Steven Vaughan-Nichols @Matthias Vos @Bill B @Wilco Roos

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in reply to Adam

I'm still a bit frustrated with the UI. See my recent post from my isurf account on Friendica for details.

in reply to Shredni Vashtar

Around 2000 already handed back. It's political pressure from Morocco, every time there's a negotiation or some quarrel happens something like this.
in reply to Shredni Vashtar

That explains why France is letting so many attempt the channel crossing.

"while they're picking on you, they're leaving some other poor sod alone."
Clearly, some other poor sod is getting it in the neck at the moment. #Winner

dick_turpin reshared this.

Back in the spare room, #Fedora updates done, waiting for the day to start.

𝗪𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗮 𝗹𝗼𝘁 𝗼𝗳 𝗼𝗹𝗱 𝗿𝗼𝘁! It has nothing to do with Corbyn or poor results in 2019 and everything to do with voters seeing through Labours outdated views! Wigan Pier is now a niche coffee shop, Jarrow is a designer outlet. Nobody wants to get behind the party of Gloom & Doom and a 1960's attitude. Nobody is doing 18 hours at the pit face any more. People are getting on board with positivity, progress, investment and jobs. Working families don't want handouts. They want opportunities to better themselves. They have faith in a government that has actually risen to the challenges of the last two years and successfully guided us through.

dick_turpin reshared this.

ghostdancer reshared this.

Charlie and I cast my vote a few moments ago. You have no excuse not to vote!
Women. Get out and vote! Emily Davison didn't throw herself under a horse so that you could throw that right away.
If you filled out a postal vote but didn't send it, they will accept that at the polling station. You can invoke an emergency proxy vote up until 5 pm today.

reshared this

So here's a question: Will Twitter, Facebook, et al. be banning anyone who shares Donald Trumps stuff? When does protecting become censoring?

Logged into my LinkedIN account after a 23-day absence and realised I'd missed absolutely nothing.
This entry was edited (3 years ago)

And yet another positive thing the Government is implementing that slips under the radar., as we come out of COVID restrictions, more and more people will be grateful for this, especially those who have sadly lost their jobs.

You know what? 27 Years. You can't say Bill and Melinda Gates didn't give it a fair go. It seems a shame that people can't find a way to accommodate differing views, though, if that's truly the reason for the divorce?

dick_turpin reshared this.

in reply to Shredni Vashtar

Your guess is as good as mine, but I have to agree with you. It seems silly to divorce at their age; it's not as if they're stuck in a two-bedroom semi in Tower Hamlets.
in reply to Shredni Vashtar

She is vaccinated with Astra and he with Biontech. Obviously!

I was gonna moan about how all these new options claim to be faster and better but then I read the article and thought "Ooh, shiny!"

Does anyone really search hashtags on Twitter? I mean, in general, not some important event or news item.

Hello, Fedora 34. Not convinced with Horizontal Workspace Navigation, but I'll stick with it for a short while.

dick_turpin reshared this.

Hands up all those who remember the good old days when we pointed and laughed at crashed display boards running on the MS Windows platform? Not laughing now, are we?
in reply to Shredni Vashtar

We're not laughing, never did. But a reboot screen is way better than a blue screen, as it isn't even based on a system failure, just waiting for a user input. But yes, poorly configured Grub.
in reply to Shredni Vashtar

Ultimately I couldn't give a damn. It just makes me smile when I think back to all the kiddies wetting their pants when someone posted a picture of an MS error. In fact, I'm sure I saw a presentation either at LugRadio Live or OggCamp by a guy who had a whole host of an information board and cash machine error messages. Oh, how we laughed our bladders out.

At least my SushiSwap is up 15p
This entry was edited (3 years ago)

How long will it take for my Fedora 33 to realise there's a 34 waiting to replace it?

I wonder if Microsoft has an SLA on Teams?

dick_turpin reshared this.

Are you a Fedora user? Or maybe just a Linux enthusiast? Wanna be involved in a Podcast? Here's your chance. What are you waiting for?

Yep, I should have been worried. The Front End worker has been removed! #Frindica I can't seem to get cron to work for some reason? 😭

I am now on #Friendica 'Siberian Iris' 2021.04 - 1413 dunno what I was so worried about.

There's an update for #friendica, but I'm too scared to implement it. Everything works at the minute.

I have not watched a single episode of "Line of Duty", although I saw Stephen Graham get his throat slit, which was pretty shocking.

dick_turpin reshared this.

More importantly, this highlights the danger of not physically having the content you purchased but leaving it on the provider's server.

dick_turpin reshared this.