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I've just eaten a punnet of pineapple and a punnet of apple, grapes and cheese cubes.
♫ ♪ "There may be trouble ahead..........." ♬ ♩

This entry was edited (3 years ago)


LinkedIN just offered to connect me with someone I fell out with probably 10 years ago with the initials A L. Our political views are poles apart, yet that shouldn't matter when you're in a community.

This is not right!? No time for social media yet because I'm busy working? What is the world coming to?

Apparently, I can get a UK Digital COVID-19 Certificate, according to the NHS website that has emailed me. The only problem is the address is Sadly I don't speak Japanese.

You've gotta love the UK. I put my office fan away thinking I wouldn't need it, and then suddenly, out comes Mr Sun again.

It's shaping up to be a lovely day at #CastleCannon
The sun is out, the patio door is open, and no arsehole is using a disc cutter for the minute.
in reply to Shredni Vashtar

What is with disc cutters on a nice day?? We get exactly the same here. That or some twat who thinks everyone wants to hear loud reggae music for some bizarre reason…
in reply to Shredni Vashtar

Yeah, we have a right weird household that lives at the end of the cul-de-sac who thinks we want to listen to the likes of Elvis, The Everly Brothers and Val Doonican at 400 decibels. I can only assume he plays it that loud because he's determined it carries the length of the twenty or so houses that make up our enclave.

I have been singing Christmas carols to my daughter. She's not best pleased for some reason?

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That moment when you press the power button on the docking station several times and then realise your laptop is still in your rucksack. Doh! 🤦‍♂️
in reply to Shredni Vashtar

It's a bad day today. I had to bring my razor to work, something I've not done in over 40 plus years of working because I ran out of time this morning.

Love this scam email.

From: Raphael E. <>
Sent: 25 August 2021 21:20


I Am Mrs. Jane Wood,the diplomatic agent and i was sent from the ROYAL Bank OF Canada (RBOC) Canada to delivered your ATM MASTER CARD that value sum of $40 millions Dolars to your destination home address and right now am at the City of Corpus Christi, Tx. 78413 USA and i want you to send an email to me now once you received this email and give me all about your information to avoid wrong delivering such as Your Name....
Your male/female....
Your Address.....
Your Telephone Number....
your country and state...
your email address......

Contact with bellow emaill ( Mrs. Jane Wood

Sep 1
Концерт НТР
Wed 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Shredni Vashtar
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And to think we thought Compiz - Wobbley Windows was awesome!
I wouldn't use it now if you paid me. :-D
in reply to Shredni Vashtar

I only used the cube and the 3D window effect for alt+tab
in reply to Shredni Vashtar

The cube had a use in terms of productivity by giving you six workspaces on top of the virtual workspaces, but the rest had entertainment value only.

We went to Currys Electrical last night to buy a Fridge-Freezer. They have 408 (Pre-Paid) orders for the Samsung one we wanted, with 300 coming in towards the end of the month, so 108 people [who've paid already] will have to wait, including us. We left, muttering under our breath: "We can manage for the time being."

I cannot leave the house without seeing at least one Tesla. If that's not a success story, I dunno what is.

in reply to Shredni Vashtar

There are far more scary things in the house than out in the big bad world.

Electric cement mixers are rubbish! I want the smell of two-stroke and the loud "put-put-put" of the engine.

Happy Birthday @Fabian A. Scherschel @Fabian A. Scherschel :ver: what are you now? Must be 50, surely?
This entry was edited (3 years ago)

Remember boys and girls, the moment someone says "You can't.............." you're no longer on a free social platform.

That moment when your dog does his nut, you go to the door, and a DPD driver is just past your house, and you call out: "Did you just knock on my door?", they say "No," and then 30 seconds later they ring your doorbell with a package!😡

I'm #WFH again for a couple of days and listening to Joan Armatrading - Track Record


dick_turpin reshared this.

It looks like the Americans and the British this time will be reenacting this in Kabul.

Saigon 1975

When we are out and about, we no longer wave at each other straight away. The first thing we do is tap our earbuds.

Sunday. And the first words out of the wife's mouth is: "We need to go to B&Q ......." :'(

I love the way Samsung Cloud keeps telling me to sync my new album while Samsung bombards me with emails telling me they're doing away with their cloud services such as, wait for it, cloud storage, AKA albums! 🤦‍♂️

I asked the boss if I could have a Mariachi band to greet me of a morning.
Put it this way; he didn't say no. \o/

I've been doing some more website stuff, but I'm sick to its back teeth now, so it won't be going live today.
This entry was edited (3 years ago)

If things don't pick up on Social Media, I may have to do some work! In fact, things are so bad I'm considering fixing some stuff on the company website. 😱

I need to get a jar and title it "Street Money" because pretty much every day I find money. 1p here, 2p there. This morning I found 5p and once I found a £5 note. Never mind the streets of London being paved with gold it seems roads up here are literally dripping with coins.

That moment sat on a train. When you scan your lottery ticket with the Lotto app on your phone and the app plays that "Winner" music, you show your wife and say "Shh! Look!" and everyone on the train looks at you.

So the boss said we could finish at 2 pm I was both excited and sad: "Damn! The Missus will still be in bed." I took the car to the car wash to waste some time but still arrived home at 3 pm only to find she'd gone out! #ShakesFist

Current Status: Headache
Running Process: Paracetamol 2.0

Now is probably not a good time to ask your boss about a pay rise.
in reply to Shredni Vashtar

That would obviously postpone his effort to travel to space.