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Oh, mighty Pond Gods, help me get through today because I'm not feeling the milk of human kindness so far.

When there's a successful solution, EVERYONE wants to get involved; run with it; cover themselves in glory.

The moment there's a problem with the solution, suddenly it becomes one person's sole responsibility.

Well, there's a first (For me.) my Keyboard at work has died! I spent ages scratting around trying to find batteries, but after two swap-outs, I came to the conclusion the Keyboard is dead; it has ceased to be; it is an ex keyboard.

First thoughts regards Windows 11?
I'm still thinking.

Like most OS upgrades, it's pretty underwhelming for the end-user unless there's sexy new icons or the start menu is moved to the top right corner or file explorer has an overhaul. just like Linux or any other OS for that matter, all the work is 'under the hood' on Windows 11

Shredni Vashtar reshared this.

Listening to TINAP episode 9. Fond memories.

Shredni Vashtar reshared this.

in reply to Andy C

'I just wrote a song this morning called Pump dot IO'.
in reply to Andy C

Ah yes. That rather scary heavy breathing must be me. Colleagues have pointed that irritating trait out to me in the Zoom era. 'Go on mute and stop looking at porn, you fucking pervert'.
in reply to Andy C

The quick fire round was a little 'Nirvana and R.E.M. heavy'. Not quite as brilliant as I remembered it. Still Evan played along.

It just shows how dominant Facebook is in our lives when an outage causes almost worldwide panic.

They need to do away with the calorie charts on food and just put "You should only eat two of these today!" on the packaging instead. I've nearly finished these. :-(

One of the laziest scammers I've seen in a long time.

So the TV said something about Google no longer supporting its Movie app and promptly deleted it. I can download the Movies I bought from Google, but they're in some fooked up format that means they can only be played on an Android device. I wish I'd bought DVD's from Amazon now because I bet Google is going to stop its Movie service soon, and I'll lose all my purchases.

It would seem I've won something: "Ecency Discord Giveaway #32 Winner - Congrats!" 500 @ecency points. #hive
#Hive #32

I am reworking an old favourite song for all those people putting petrol in water bottles.

♫ ♪ "Bullrings burning, Bullrings, fetch the engine, fetch the engine, FIRE! FIRE! FIRE! FIRE! Pour on water, pour on water." ♬ ♩ via @MetroUK

My cold has gone, so why are my nostrils continually filling with two gallons of sticky yellow snot mucus?

!Friendica Support Hi, I upgraded via git yesterday to the latest version. Friendica is working, but I cannot access the admin page; the browser says it does not exist.

I've looked in the root directory where the URL points, and there is no admin folder or file. This was working before I upgraded, by the way. Any thoughts or ideas?


There is no truth in the rumour that Tesla drivers are hanging around petrol stations laughing their bollocks off.

Upgraded #friendica I can log in. It looks like it's working, but the Admin page is gone or no longer accessible? @Alan I may have to go to the "Fuck Off." support service?
in reply to Shredni Vashtar

It helps if you run
bin/composer.phar install --no-dev

Oops! fooking n00b!

It's one of those 'Floating around' days today. People keep hovering around outside my door. "If the keyboard is clicking then I'm doing something innit!"

𝗖𝘂𝗿𝗿𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝘀𝘁𝗮𝘁𝘂𝘀.
Dying of Man Flu, pneumonia and pleurisy.
Walked Charlie and when I bent over in the porch to take my trainers off my nose dripped all over the floor! 🤢🤧🤮
in reply to Shredni Vashtar

Oh dear- that doesn’t sound great.

Have some Lemsip, take some paracetamol, man-up and stop being such a pussy 👍🏻
in reply to Shredni Vashtar

I am on the way to being cured, however, now I have coughing fits like I'm smoking 80 Woodbines a day! However, I now have a substantial amount of greeny-yellow sticky globs so if anyone has run out of blue-tac?

Here we go. EVERYONE is panic buying fuel around here.

Good morning everybody.
Today we shall be looking through the square window, today's number is 1, and our favourite word is rubiginous #hive

Good morning everybody.
Today we shall be looking through the arched window, today's number is 4, and our favourite word is extramundane #hive

This morning we shall be looking through the round window, today's number is 9 and our favourite word is ulotrichous #Hive

"But it still works!"

"It's an HP 8000 and was released in 2009!"

Microsoft kills SMB1 Windows 7 "Bye-bye network printing on a Windows 7 Machine."

This morning we shall be looking through the square window, today's number is 3 and our favourite word is Barmecide #hive

So you've heard of "Dumped by Text." the French have just been "Dumped by Press." :-D

Gotta love BBC News logic this morning: "There's a shortage of gas, and prices are rising. We haven't used much gas recently due to the mild weather." Aye? If we haven't used it, there must be a glut of it. Stands to reason. 🤦‍♂️

Any Canny street trader would do well to start displaying some of their wears in Imperial Measurements just to entice the punters. "Half a pound of Carrots luv? Ere ya go." :-D
This entry was edited (3 years ago)

in reply to Shredni Vashtar


It's a great idea. /Me orders family pack popcorn, Nachos and Cola

Fooking hell! It's like being in the audience of a TV game show in the office this afternoon. People are coughing and spluttering everywhere!

This morning we shall be looking through the arched window, today's number is 7, and our favourite word is absquatulated.