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I must be missing something here? Who's ever heard of signing up to a Reseller program without knowing what's involved in being a reseller?

"𝘍𝘰ð˜ģ ð˜Ēð˜Ŋ ð˜Ēð˜Īð˜Ī𝘰ð˜ķð˜Ŋð˜ĩ ð˜Ūð˜Ēð˜Ŋð˜Ēð˜Ļð˜Ķð˜ģ ð˜ĩ𝘰 ð˜Īð˜Ē𝘭𝘭 𝘚𝘰ð˜ķ ð˜ĩ𝘰 ð˜Ĩ𝘊ð˜īð˜Īð˜ķð˜īð˜ī ð˜ĩð˜Đð˜Ķ ð˜ģð˜Ķð˜īð˜Ķ𝘭𝘭ð˜Ķð˜ģ ð˜ąð˜ģ𝘰ð˜Ļð˜ģð˜Ēð˜Ū 𝘚𝘰ð˜ķ ð˜ļ𝘊𝘭𝘭 ð˜Ŋð˜Ķð˜Ķð˜Ĩ ð˜ĩ𝘰 ð˜Ī𝘰ð˜Ūð˜ąð˜­ð˜Ķð˜ĩð˜Ķ ð˜ĩð˜Đð˜Ķ ð˜ģð˜Ķð˜īð˜Ķ𝘭𝘭ð˜Ķð˜ģ ð˜Ēð˜ąð˜ąð˜­ð˜Šð˜Īð˜Ēð˜ĩ𝘊𝘰ð˜Ŋ 𝘧𝘰ð˜ģð˜Ū."
in reply to Shredni Vashtar

Dear naive Pete, they want to sell your personal data no matter of your successful subscription afterwards and by applying on your own will they can do so shamelessly.
in reply to Shredni Vashtar

The only way I could read the T&C's was by applying "Open in a new tab"