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I'm wondering if this opposition to the UK/Rwanda deal is a race thing because nobody seems to be up in arms about Italy's deal with Albania or the Turkey/Greece deal and all the other EU deals. Obviously, France believes the UK should take its migrants while paying for the pleasure. 🤷‍♂️

in reply to dick_turpin

Well the article says people are angry about Italy's plan. It's different to the UK one as they will still be processed by their immigration whilst ours could let people live in Rwanda. It's been found to be breaking various laws and may be expensive. It's a way to dodge the real issues driving immigration and we opted out of the right to return people to other 'safe' countries.
Like many things there are no simple solutions, but it helps to work with the neighbours rather
in reply to dick_turpin

And yet the news media is tearing its clothes and gnashing its teeth at how right-wing Europe is becoming, even wheeling out those knackered old accusations of "Facist" and "Nazi" labels in a desperate attempt to stop people talking about the subject or even trying to do something about it.

We will see flights very soon once we install some British lawyers out there. I'm not sure how that makes any difference but I suppose governments always seem to have to jump through hoops to get anything done these days.
