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I have to say, I'm impressed with @Bose. Father Christmas gave me some earbuds over a year ago, which've gone faulty. I went on the support website and gave the serial number (which is bloody hard to get), and they're swapping them out for me. \o/ #resilt

dick_turpin reshared this.

in reply to dick_turpin

That's a win for good customer service. In the great scheme of things, replacing a single pair of earbuds (even if out of warranty) pays dividends. You've praised them and that was the intended result. And it never hurts to provide good customer support for a premium brand. Many businesses need to learn this fact.
in reply to dick_turpin

It gets better; effectively, I'm getting an upgrade! They're replacing them with the Ultra, which came out last November. Mine were the QuietComfort II
in reply to dick_turpin

They know you're an influencer on Fedi and want you to promote them.