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Asked OpenAI's GPT-4 to write me a blog post. I checked the output against Grammarly's plagiarism checker, and it found one similar usage of six words in a sentence from a totally unrelated (Subject matter) Website, so I reckon it would be possible to auto-generate blog posts for, say, #hive and nobody would be any the wiser. 🤣 😈 👹

dick_turpin reshared this.

in reply to dick_turpin

Detection will not be easy and may well get harder, but if you get caught out then expect your account to get trashed. We can still choose to vote on what we think has value. #Hive
in reply to Steve

The point I was making was that it's extremely hard to detect. I suspect the only way to raise suspicions is if someone suddenly starts to be very productive.

Obviously, it is not something I would do.