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Now the fun starts.

dick_turpin reshared this.

in reply to dick_turpin

I really don't get this one; it's a weird shooting ones own foot; I mean why did he tell the Greens to fuck off?
in reply to penguin42

I think he'd had a few drams and thought "I don't want greens anymore!" without thinking of the consequences.

I can understand his point of view, I don't like Brussels either (did you see what I did there?). 😂

in reply to dick_turpin

have you sent in your CV? I'd love to see you try the job.
in reply to Steve

I don't have Scottish legs, unlike yourself. 😛
in reply to Steve

Everyone should have an opinion; what's wrong with the world today is the fear of voicing one's opinions.
in reply to dick_turpin

oh we know you like to voice yours. Doesn't mean they are right. Likewise with mine. We're overwhelmed with opinions and starved of facts. Or at least people are not trusting journalists who have to check theirs.