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Are we really going to send British troops to shoot Russians? I mean, it's a nice sabre-rattling gesture, but do we really want to risk starting a full-blown war? I wonder what Russian mothers or the Russian people will think when their sons are shot by 3 Para or whichever regiments we send?…

in reply to dick_turpin

Don't you know there's a trade-war on? What sells most British weapons over the medium term? That's what they'll do.
It's tough when nobody says what they mean any more and they'll change their mind if it doesn't poll well. Did you hear John Major showing what leadership looks like? And he couldn't control the Tories' worst instincts.
in reply to Andy Wootton

I suspect Starmer is taking a leaf out of Margaret's book and offering the lives of our boys to divert eyes from the shitstorm that is coming in this country.

Of course, it looks good for us with regard to the EU if we're the first to put boots on the ground. Gives us a moral high ground to demand concessions from them. Maybe France will be made to stop sending us their problem?

in reply to dick_turpin

I don't think France sends us their problem. It simply doesn't want to be in France because it speaks English or has friends and family here. That's the problem with invading half the world and telling them they're British now; they believe us. When their family have fought on our side in a couple of wars, they're even more convinced.
in reply to Andy Wootton

That's still not a valid reason, imo. As an MP asked (I can't find the House of Commons video for the minute.), "Why are they not buying cheap one-way flights from Europe? We all know why.

I was told if I worked hard, I could have a Ferrari; maybe I should just go out and take one, given I've worked hard all my life.

in reply to dick_turpin

There are 2 They's. It's a UKIP tactic to confuse them. I'm saddened to see Labour using it, unless they've made a legal route for application for political asylum that I haven't heard about. They can't out-fasch Farage or BadEnoch without becoming an embarrassment. It's a huge mistake to try.
in reply to Andy Wootton

I have no qualms about legitimate, legal entry immigration. The more taxpayers, the merrier, in my book. I have no time or patience for illegals.

I'm not sure if I can draw my line in the sand any firmer.

in reply to dick_turpin

The problem, when I last looked, was that the UK Government was treating both in the same way. If there's no legal route then the only way to apply for asylum was via the illegal routes. If this has been fixed, I'm sorry but the communication of that fact hasn't reached me.