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So, apparently, the first removal to Rwanda has happened. Not exactly in the way some folks would like to see it implemented, with an illegal crying and pleading while being dragged up the staircase by two big, burly Border Force officers.

According to the report, the illegal happily jumped on a plane with £3K in his back pocket. The thing is, I'm not sure that's a deterrent. Remember, supposedly, boat people have nothing, which is why they want to get to the UK. So we're giving them a roof over their heads and three square meals a day plus £3K, and you wonder why the Government is cutting back on PIP.

dick_turpin reshared this.

in reply to dick_turpin

Just send the government there instead. What a useless shower.
in reply to Steve

Given that supposedly the reason lots of people voted "Leave" was because of all "The foreigners", I wonder if those same people will vote Tory, given it looks like they've kept their promise?

I saw a news report last night (Although I'd already heard what was going on) that Border Force is rounding up illegals as they report to signing-on centres like they're supposed to and shipping them to holding centres ready for flights out.

in reply to dick_turpin

The leave vote was based on other lies. The Rwanda thing is a ridiculously expensive diversion that won't solve anything. People know how crap the Tories are. Labour have failed to capitalise on this, but may win anyway.

Can you honestly say you are proud of this lot? We deserve better, but they sold out.

in reply to Steve

I'm not sure anyone is proud of their government throughout the world.

I'm almost at the point of hoping Labour does win so that those who have never known a Labour government can get a taste of how badly they will take the country down. And as for clueless people who think there's going to be an election before January, there's your average deluded voter right there.

I read with interest that Kier Starmer has stated he fully intends to investigate privatisation opportunities within the NHS, particularly cataract operations. I thought they were the NHS saviours, and it was only the wicked Tories who wanted to sell off the NHS?

If only there were a Utopia that catered for each and every person's needs and quirks.

in reply to dick_turpin

So you're not proud of them :)

Politics tends to be a 'least worst' game, but the Tory lurch to the right has been extreme. They got rid of the smart/moderate ones. Labour are not the lefties of old. Starmer is treading a tightrope and compromising on various things. I would like to see him be more radical.

Nobody expects 'utopia', but they do hope for competence and compassion.

in reply to dick_turpin

While I would hope I'm not too far right-wing, I have to say I wince at your use of "Compassion" It smacks of rollover and be arse fucked. Personally, I would like to see more firmness, and Rwanda is the first step. The best of it is the UK is doing no different than other EU countries, each of which is shipping their illegals off to less-than-ideal countries such as Romania, which, if anyone bothered to look correctly, is a half-sight more dangerous than Rwanda. But we don't hear about it because the biased BBC et al. don't report it. I've never seen one news report about where Italy, for example, is sending its illegals. I found out by accident TBH. In my book, failure to report is just as bad as fake reporting. If information is withheld, an action looks far worse than it is. I'm convinced if everyone knew the UK is only doing what others are doing, there would be fewer complaints and less people up in arms.